It is advised that as a borrower, it is your responsibility to carefully study if the loan has chargeable amount to be paid. Car loan processing fees generally range from 1%-3% depending on the terms and conditions of particular lender. You should keep in mind the other charges too so that you may compare the cheapest car loan. Keep in mind that there are several offers too going on in the market like - waiver of last EMI on the basis of good loan payment record. So you can make your car loan even cheaper if you keep a track of all the auto loan offers.
Here a good car loan agent can come handy. May be you are not aware of all the car loan offers going on in the market but an auto loan agent can certainly provide you the best deal. What more? An auto loan agent does not charge you the service fee. Hence go through directories or internet to find the best car loan agent in the city.
Contact the best car loan agent in Delhi